弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿 - 全国化学分销商协会(NACD)已签署了化学协会高管委员会高管委员会的信,呼吁联邦海事委员会(FMC)和地表运输委员会(STB)共同听证会,以讨论不断上升的化学委员会。供应链中断。


这封信给FMC主席Daniel B. Maffei和STB董事长Martin J. Oberman呼吁FMC大力强制执行禁止不公平的煽动和拘留惯例的禁令。它还呼吁STB对董事会的报望规则进行集装箱存储费用,并在紧急情况下以及必要时扩大托运人访问替代服务的访问权限。

“The state of shipping as it currently stands is unsustainable, and it’s past time for the FMC and STB to leverage their respective authorities to address both the acute problems and the long-term industry trends that have exasperated them,” said NACD President and CEO Eric R. Byer. “Chemical distributors facilitate the movement of ingredients necessary for everyday life. Prolonged disruptions to the chemical supply chain will have severe effects across the entire U.S. economy, and for that very reason, it’s time to move beyond fact-finding exercises and towards concrete actions.”
