Rohm and Haas Co.和Weihai Jinhong Polymer Co. Ltd已开始对合资公司Jinhong Rohm and Haas Chemical Co.(Jinhaas)进行正式运营,并于2006年12月宣布该协议后。Jinhaas将生产甲基丙烯酸丁二烯苯乙烯(MBS),丙烯酸撞击修饰符(AIMS)和丙烯酸加工辅助工具,用于在中国以及其他新兴市场。

Jinhaas的盛大开幕式在Weihai举行,有250多名政府官员,重要客户和商业代表在场。They included Wang Peiting, Deputy General Secretary of Weihai City CCP and Mayor of Weihai City People’s Government, Mark Douglas, VP of Rohm and Haas, Asia-Pacific Regional director and China CEO, and Patrice Barthelmes, vice president of Rohm and Haas and global business director for the company’s US$1.8 billion Packaging and Building Materials business.

