上海 - 中国明杨风力发电集团有限公司(Mingyang Wind Power Group)在其年度供应商会议上名为PPG Industries(PPG)“最佳供应商”,认可了PPG涂料产品,客户服务和技术支持的高质量。

Mingyang风力发电集团是中国最大的非国家风涡轮机制造商。它专门设计,制造,销售和维修梅加瓦级风力涡轮机。作为风能行业集成解决方案的全球提供商,PPG为Mingyang Wind Power Group等客户提供技术和销售支持,PPG自2007年以来一直与之合作。

George Wu, PPG Commercial Director of Blade Coatings, China, who received the honor on behalf of PPG, said, “This recognition reflects Mingyang Wind Power Group’s confidence and trust in PPG’s products and services, and we are pleased to collaborate with this successful company. PPG will continue to deliver and try to improve upon its outstanding service and support for all our customers.”