伦敦 - 12月4日至5日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡的阿斯托里亚酒店举行,第三届年度Autorussia 2007年度Autorussia 2007年,是俄罗斯和全球的国际汽车业务论坛。

更多的than 300 senior representatives, leading figures in Russia’s automotive manufacturing sector, including leading OEM projects in the St. Petersburg area, as well as senior representatives from auto OEMs and T1s around the world, will meet at the conference to discuss their current projects and future plans.

会议随后是对圣彼得堡的Tenneco和Intercos IV进行正式访问。工厂的高层管理人员及其生产团队将向代表展示生产设施,并回答他们可能遇到的任何战略和实用问题。代表们将与工厂每家商店的经理一起访问生产设施的所有部分。