俄亥俄州哥伦布市 - Hexion Inc.宣布了计划在其Pernis,荷兰,制造地点扩大环氯氢蛋白(ECH)的生产,同时还利用更可持续的技术完成。计划的扩展将在未来三年内发生,预计将于2024年底进行生产初创企业。

As part of Hexion’s Coating and Composites business unit’s broader investment plan to drive innovation and growth aligned with the company’s overall sustainability commitment, the planned expansion will add 25,000 metric tons of annual capacity and utilize bio-based renewable feedstocks by leveraging glycerin-to-epichlorohydrin (GTE) production technology. The expansion will also support the reduction in overall energy intensity of ECH production at the Pernis site.

“这种扩展将使我们能够随着客户的发展而有效地为客户服务,并将环氧树脂业务定位与未来的长期可持续性趋势相结合,”涂料和复合材料高级副总裁Ann Frederix说。
