TONBRIDGE,英格兰 - Pantone宣布了2022年作为其所选颜色的Peri,为yescolours头部启动它的颜色组合。Yescolours,设计师绘画品牌推出了一个完全可回收的包装替代品,旨在削减消费者浪费,令人棘手的剩余涂料罐子进入垃圾填埋场,在其独特的调色板中有四个紫色和淡紫色,与即将到来的趋势保持一致2022.丁香看起来是替代2021年的尘土飞扬和柔和的色调的颜色,为内饰装饰市场增加了一些需要的新鲜度和生命。

Yescolours正在推出专注于客户福祉的颜色。该公司精致地将其调色板策划到具有目的地简单,命名团体和颜色的集合中,根据他们唤起的感受。Yescolours Palette由四个丰富的充满活力的Lilac色调组成:热情的丁香 - 一种深入的,直观的颜色,红色能量和冷却蓝色;快乐的丁香 - 洋红色蓝色;友好的丁香 - 甜薰衣草帕尔马紫罗兰;和新鲜的丁香 - 暗示紫水晶和春天风信子的宁静。

YesColours, founded by John Stubbs (NewTerritory, Mary Portas), and Creative Partner Emma Bestley (Moveovermagnolia, ClearChannel) in 2020, looks to tackle the U.K. waste paint issue head-on by introducing new packaging that aims to remove the traditional paint cans in favor of fully recyclable pouches, which are more commonly used for food and cosmetic products. According to the company, only one-third of household waste recycling centers (HWRCs) accept paint and cans for recycling, and only 2% of accepted paint waste gets recycled, with 98% going to landfill or incineration. In the U.K., the national average is 17 leftover paint cans per household. YesColours paints come in one-liter sizes, which help to avoid over-ordering at the point of purchase — one of the main reasons for the waste generated in the U.K.

Yescolours的涂料袋包装单独使用16%的化石燃料,产生21%的温室气体排放,并在其生产过程中使用26%的水,而不是传统的刚性包装 - 让消费者有机会在他们甚至开始绘画之前帮助环境。包装可以放在本地商店或超市回收点 - 远远优于离开罐随着时间的推移来降低。作为U.K.收集服务提高路边回收,客户也能够在家中回收。