阿拉巴马州伯明翰 - Motion Industries Inc.已将约翰·沃特伍德(John Watwood)晋升为运营整合副总裁。任命立即生效。

沃特伍德(Watwood)从他于2019年晋升为东南部副总裁/集团执行官。在他的新角色中,他将负责Motion的分销和履行网络,分支机构运营支持和卓越企业。他将向供应链执行副总裁,运营支持,市场营销和卓越企业的执行副总裁乔·林博(Joe Limbaugh)报告。


Watwood has over 20 years of experience in various sales and operations roles in both manufacturing and distribution — including his employment with Motion Industries, which began in 2008. In addition, he played an integral role in the development and deployment of Motion’s Project Challenge, a pilot that transformed a traditional branch structure into a territory-based sales area supported by a local fulfillment center.
