北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒 - Sensory Analytics,Specmetrix的供应商®coating thickness and film layer measurement systems, recently announced that the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (OPIC) and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have issued new patents covering the company’s exclusive coating thickness measurement systems for multiple industrial coating applications including automotive paints and coatings. These three new patents cover the methods and systems for Sensory’s exclusive ruggedized optical Interference (ROI) technologies that power all SpecMetrix coating thickness measurement systems in major industrial markets. Sensory Analytics reports that latest patents significantly expand its intellectual property portfolio related to the measurement of any applied coatings onto metal and most other manufacturing substrates across the Americas.


根据感官分析,用于测量制造过程中涂层厚度的旧方法对于在过程内涂料的使用不那么有效,并且提供了不足的可操作数据来进行质量和过程控制改进。连续监测并更精确地控制使用Specmetrix系统的涂料和饰面厚度的能力可防止涂层质量不佳,并提供涂层均匀性,从而降低植物成本。SpecMetrix测量系统为所有感官客户和行业合作伙伴提供了更准确,客观和实时涂料测量数据,以帮助处理优化和数据驱动的决策。Specmetrix系统具有其独特的测量能力,可以测量各种各样的清晰和不透明的涂料和材料,包括粉末涂料和耐刮擦屏障层,可帮助制造50多个国家 /地区的客户通过优化的涂层,188金宝搏bet官网增加生产吞吐量,生产吞吐量,增加的成本节省并减少了劳动力小时,同时避免了昂贵的质量要求。
