
该技术是100% - 浇注的高比率锌硅酸盐,称为WB HRZ®。当用作单涂层系统时 - 或者当与美观的面漆补充时 - 该产品在与海洋环境中使用的其他“IOZ”系统相比,产品可提供优越和完整的防腐蚀益处。该涂层系统提供完整的电流和阴极腐蚀保护,总厚度为6-8柱DFT,降低了总材料和劳动力成本,导致结构的生命周期总体拥有总成本较低。


Let’s examine the chemistry of WB HRZS to understand how it works.The coating consists of two components: Component A (liquid silicate binder) and Component B (pure zinc powder).The key to this technology is the liquid silicate binder.Silicate is liquid glass or liquid ceramic.Glass or ceramic is a hard, permanent substance, not a liquid, right?不总是。Silicate, by definition, is silica reacted with an alkaline metal and water in a high-pressure, high-temperature dissolver.Silicate is always identified by the alkaline metal that was used to formulate it and render it soluble.Those alkaline metals are lithium, sodium or potassium.For this technology we will discuss potassium silicate (inorganic). For it to remain in a liquid state, it must maintain a mole ratio of no greater than 3.2:1 – that is 3.2 moles SiO2(silicate) to 1 mole K (potassium). However, WB HRZS has a mole ratio of 5.3:1 and remains not only in a liquid state but it is very stable. This high ratio is akey differentiatorof WB HRZS from all other “IOZ” technologies.

The Reactions


反应一:化学键 - 硅酸铁

When applied to 188金宝搏bet官网materials like carbon steel and aluminum, the silicate bonds to the exposed substrate surface to form iron silicate (FE-SiO3.)在表面(图1)。对于这种化学键,必须除去所有表面污染物(溶剂,油,油脂)。如果钢表面上有碳氢化合物污染,它会干扰化学键。另外,对于WB HRZ,必须至少存在1.0密耳的表面轮廓,首先在化学键反应发生之前制造机械键。

将硅酸盐粘合到暴露的基材中以形成铁硅酸铁(Fe-SiO <sub> 3 </ sub>)。
图1 ”The silicate bonds to the exposed substrate to form iron silicate (Fe-SiO3.)。

Reaction Two: Galvanic Reactive Zinc


Initial sacrificial action.
图2»Initial sacrificial action.

Reaction Three: Barrier Seals Cured Film, Creating a Hard, Impermeable, Inert Film

The third reaction is what sets WB HRZS apart from all other “IOZ” coatings. As stated above, there is a brief sacrificial reaction. But, as this occurs over time, the zinc-reactive products continue to react, compounding and filling in the pores of the coating, ultimately creating zinc oxide and other compounding elements. As this happens, the coating becomes denser and much harder, eventually sealing itself off with a virtual glass or ceramic barrier, protecting the substrate and the coating itself (Figure 3).




当产生外陶瓷膜的形成时,由于产品本身的化学和反应性形成,涂层保持柔韧,这是独特的。它与热喷涂材料(TSM)和HDG不同,它们是昂贵的且不环保的热应用工艺。188金宝搏bet官网由于这些是熔融的应用,使得最终产品刚性和机械地粘合到基板上,基底上的任何应力或菌株将导致TSM和HDG裂纹。由于不同材料的异种膨胀和收缩率,这种裂化也可以发生任何热膨胀或收缩。188金宝搏bet官网由于WB HRZ的完整化学和技术特征,它将以与母体衬底材料相同的速率弯曲和扩展/合同(图4)。188金宝搏bet官网

WB HRZ的微观视图和灵活性示范。
图4»WB HRZ的微观视图和灵活性示范。

通常理解,该涂层提供真正的共价化学键,该化学键只有100% - 浇水的技术可以提供。固化和粘合过程是该技术能够非常快速地开发超出1000磅的拉动试验。并提供额外的卓越性能特征,不受大多数​​其他技术的挑战。在正常干燥条件下,可以在制造过程中堆叠,堆叠或组装制成的产品,以便在制造过程中快速加工。涂层提供完全的阴极和电流腐蚀保护,在损坏时自愈,可焊接,柔韧,易于应用和修复商店或领域。作为浸没的单涂层系统,WB HRZS已经证明了硬污垢性能。


总之,WB HRZ的益处很多,其中一些包括:

  • Excellent adhesion to steel, dual bonding (mechanical + chemical bond);
  • 阴极和电流腐蚀保护;
  • High temperature resistance (750 °F/400 °C);
  • Excellent abrasion resistance;
  • Self-curing (dry in 30 min);
  • 可焊接;
  • 灵活的;
  • 抗紫外线;
  • 非常良好的硬污垢抵抗;
  • No solvent needed for cleanup, just water.


  • Zero toxic waste/non-hazardous;
  • 减少应用程序操作;
  • Reduced maintenance costs;
  • Reduced power consumption;
  • 减少总体拥有成本;
  • 可回收。

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