L'Aquila意大利 - Stardust粉末涂料配合了Hatwee,用于在Benelux国家的粉末涂料系列的分布。Hatwee是基于比利时Lichtervelde的建立的粉末涂料供应商。


“我们在大约四年前在比利时的贸易博览会上遇到了Hatwee团队。明星粉涂料首席执行官Guido Pozzoli表示,我们赞赏他们通过提供专门的,定制的服务来吸引客户的巨大通信技术。“当我们开始目前的STARDUST的重组过程时,这也需要我们的销售和分销网络的扩展,我们立即与他们重新联系,以正规化Benelux地区的分配协议”。

Established in 2007 by mechanical engineer Hans Hooyberg and chemical engineer Anne Mie Scheldeman, HaTwee serves the Benelux countries by not only offering a wide range of powder coatings from the best manufacturers worldwide but also offering customer’s the company’s extensive knowledge and proven methodology to achieve optimal results.

“Thanks to our exclusive partnership with companies such as Stardust Powder Coatings, we always have access to sufficient supply, extra know-how and tight delivery deadlines, regardless of whether customer’s orders are small or large,” said Barbara Baken, Communication and Project Manager of HaTwee. “Moreover, as a member of VOM and Qualisteelcoat, we also guarantee up-to-date knowledge and have all the essential quality labels”.

