荷兰Waalwijk - 特种化学品提供商Stahl已加入可持续生物材料(RSB)的圆桌会议。188金宝搏bet官网作为RSB的成员,Stahl可以访问世界各地的RSB社区成员的专业知识,并为公司的可持续发展标准的持续发展做出贡献。

Stahl在RSB中的成员资格增加了公司对联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)的承诺,作为化学和产品负责生产和管理的基础。“ Stahl很高兴加入RSB社区,我们认为这与我们自己正在进行的有关可再生碳内容和供应链透明度的战略​​计划非常一致,” Stahl集团总监John Fletcher说。“我们期待成为活跃的RSB成员,并高度重视与供应链认证和环境系统整体领域专业知识的行业领导者合作的机会。”

Welcoming Stahl to the RSB community, Executive Director Rolf Hogan added, “As RSB continues to develop its standard and apply it in more and more markets globally, the voices of committed and experienced companies like Stahl are absolutely key to ensuring RSB’s approach remains at the very forefront of market demands and social and environmental sustainability. We are so pleased to welcome a world leader like Stahl and see them committing to achieving the unparalleled sustainability and supply chain assurance offered by RSB for their customers around the world.”



