雅典,哦 -栗色集团,北美特种化学品和成分的分销商,正在支持化学教育基金会(CEF)您是化学家挑战赛®。这项在俄亥俄州克利夫兰举行的地区竞赛是一项合作,多级学术比赛,庆祝化学科学,并激发学生探索化学领域以及STEM职业。

今年冬天在克利夫兰市中心的伊利湖科学中心举行,5 - 8年级的学生团队将以测验库的形式完成,他们合作回答定时的短期答案问题。获胜的球队进入了德克萨斯州休斯敦举行的全国级别比赛。

通过作为一家负责任且可持续的公司的奉献精神,Maroon Group自豪地赞助了为建立积极的化学社区和世界(例如CEF)做出贡献的组织。

“As a part of the chemical industry, I think it’s really important to help nurture and elevate the young innovators who will be the brain power of the STEM community in the future,” said Sarah Banfield, Maroon Group Regulatory Specialist and CEF’s Greater Cleveland Area Challenge Organizer. “Growing up in a community that helped ignite and foster my passion for science at an early age, I am excited to now get to play a role in this important program and cultivate the education and exploration of chemistry in today’s young minds.”