NC - 2018年5月19日,油漆和涂料制造商Axalta涂层系统与庭健康杰夫戈登儿童医院合作,Hendrick Motorsports,LP建筑产品和Gobabygo!以夏洛特地区为儿童建造定制车辆,流动问题。在Axalta的客户体验中心(CEC)在康涅狄格州康科德,北卡罗来纳州,公司和合作伙伴代表修改了机动玩具汽车,供特殊需要走路或爬行的儿童。


“We’re proud to call Charlotte one of our hometowns and are so happy that our employees and LP Building Products, one of our great partners, got to put their engineering skills to good use to help families from the community,” said Axalta’s Michael Cash, Senior Vice President and President, Industrial Coatings. “It is truly inspiring to meet the kids and families served by the Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital, listen to their stories and know that we are helping them enjoy the gift of movement.”